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Please join us for worship on
Sundays at 11:00 am

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Welcome to the 
First United Methodist Church of Seadrift

FMS Pick-up Route


Celebrating the Glory of God, by the grace of Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Weekly Schedule

Sunday: Study group 9:30-10:45am
in Bible Study room


Worship: 11am-12:15pm 



Feed My Sheep Distribution: 3rd Tuesday of each month



Prayer Group: 10:30am in Sanctuary 

Choir Practice: 5:00pm



Chimes Practice: 10:00am

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All Are Welcome!

Contact Us

If you would like to give to SFUMC, please select the "Give" button. 

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We had a wonderful inaugural Community Gathering on March 27th! Stay tun

Upcoming Events

We would love to see you at our upcoming events!

Please join us!

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Feed My Sheep Distribution 
Tuesday, January 28 - NEW DATE due to weather
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Outdoor Pickup

We ask that you remain in your vehicles 
The first come first served practice will be utilized.

The Feed My Sheep food distribution program is in need of strong volunteers! The program provides food for local participants and the work requires unpacking food items, which requires lifting. Volunteers are needed approximately 4 hours a month. If you are interested in being of service to our community in this way, please contact Patricia Massey at 936/348-8413.

Thank you!



Interested in playing hand bells? Let us know! Chimes practice is held Thursdays
10-11 am in the Sanctuary!

About Seadrift First United Methodist Church

Fishing for people

At Seadrift FUMC we recognize the faith, witness, and commitment of this worshiping community. May we ever strive to follow Christ’s mandate to love God and to love one another. As a fruitful congregation, may we grow ever stronger in our desire to serve our community and to make disciples for Christ in the world.


Worshiping together in Seadrift since 1912.


"A man of one book, a student of many."  


John Wesley

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